Baby Gear and Toy Guide

You’ve probably realized by now that there is a lot of gear and toys for babies. When I started checking out baby gear and toys, I had no idea what I needed. First, I had questions, what was a travel system? Do I need a bassinet? What do I need to purchase to breastfeed? To pump? To use formula? Do I sterilize the baby bottles, wash them or both? Do I need a bottle drying rack if I sterilize my baby bottle? Which pump should I purchase?

Whether we are talking about strollers, travel systems, convertible car seats or cribs, you probably feel that there are a lot you’re going to need to research to know what you want.

I asked myself all of the above questions and I’ve researched all of these questions and more and put it all together this Baby Gear and Toy Guide so that you Mommas out there can make informed decisions.

Stroller and Infant Car Seats

Baby in car seat, car seat guide

What are the different types of car seats? Which are Rear Facing? Which are Forward Facing? How long should your child be in a Rear Facing Car Seat? Which car seats can be move in and out of the car? Which car seats are stationary?

Types of Car Seats

  1. Infant Car Seat – an infant car seat is a car seat designed for young babies and infants. Infant car seats are used for children aged newborn until they outgrow the car seat specifications. Infant car seat are always REAR facing and are the only car seat that can be carried (if they have a base).
  2. Convertible Car Seat – a car seat for toddlers or bigger babies that exceed the height/weight specifications for an infant car seat. These car seat are fixed in the car and cannot be carried. Convertible car seats grow with your child and are rear facing until the child outgrows the car seat specifications. The car seat is then turned and becomes forward facing.. The current recommendations state that children should be rear facing until they outgrow the car seat weight/height limitations. The current recommendation was changed from prior recommendations based on age.
  3. Booster Seat – a booster seat is used to raise a child a few inches so that the seatbelt is safe and comfortable for the child.

Infant Car Seats

Best All Around Infant Car Seats

  • Graco Snugride Snuglock 30 – this is a great Car Seat with a newborn inset, lightweight which is great for carrying the baby out but without sacrificing safety.
  • Graco Snugride Snuglock 35 XT – this is a great go to Car Seat that snaps into compatible Graco strollers. It’s reliable and exceeds safety ratings. It’s also well padded and comes with a newborn insert.

Travel Systems

A Travel System is a compatible infant car seat and stroller that are sold together. The infant car seat can be removed from the car seat base and snapped into the accompanying stroller. This system allows the baby to be moved from the car to the stroller without having to be unfastened the baby from the car seat. This is GREAT for young babies that fall asleep in the car. Travel systems are the best way to get a stroller and car seat that are COMPATIBLE and the only way to ensure you don’t have to unfasten a sleeping baby from a car seat and risk waking her/him up. Bonus: you can also save money if you buy the car seat and stroller together.

Best All Around Travel System

  • Graco Modes Travel System – the stroller fits with several Graco car seats with the Click Connect. The stroller can be inclined to lay completely FLAT, which allows the baby to lay completely flat if they fall asleep on an outing. The wheels are plastic but resilient. I have yet to have a problem despite frequent use for 2 years.

Convertible Car Seats

Best All Around Convertible Car Seat

  • Graco 4ever with Extend to Fit Platinum – This is my personal favorite, it turns from a rear facing car seat into a front facing car seat and then turns into booster seat that holds up to 100 lbs. This is a great car seat that will last. The extend to fit foot extender adds inches to how long you can keep your child rear facing comfortably. This is a great feature as it adds to the safety of the car seat and allows taller children to remain rear facing longer. The Platinum features adds comfort to the car seat. The circular cup holder is a step up from the square cups of other Graco car seats (think spills). The car seat covers are removable and therefore easily washable.


  • Graco Modes Stroller – compatible with all Graco infant car seats and a sturdy stroller that’s not too wide for shopping lanes but is wide enough to be comfortable. This stroller lies completely flat to allow your child or toddler to take a nap while you’re on the go.

Best Soothers

  • Baby Einstein SeaDreams Soother Musical Crib Toy Aquarium this is a little known treasure of a toy. It’s a great toy for fussy children. The great thing about this toy, is that can be invaluable for a baby who doesn’t like car trips. There’s several features including auto dimming of the lights and the option to play with or without music, with or without the moving of the turtle/sea creatures and with or without the light.