Breastfeeding Gear – What you need if you want to Breastfeed

You’ve decided you want to try to breastfeed your baby but you don’t know what you’ll need. I remember thinking in my early pregnancy that I would need a nursing shawl/cover. I didn’t realize I would also need a nursing bra, nursing/breast pads and I really didn’t think about everything I would need if I wanted to pump. I researched and researched and compiled all my resources together and eventually discovered a few more things as I started nursing. This is a list that’ll help you gather your things in preparation to having your baby.

If you want to breastfeed, you will need:

  1. Nursing Bras
  2. Nursing Pads
  3. Nipple cream aka Lanolin cream
  4. Nursing cover/shawl
  5. Nursing Tank – not absolutely necessary but worth it
  6. Breast shield – if needed – you should consult a lactation consultant before use.
  7. Breast shells – in needed

If you’re going to pump in addition to breastfeeding or if you’re going to exclusively pump, you will need:

  1. Pump – your health insurance company should provide free or discounted breast pumps
  2. Pump valves, tubes and flanges (these come with a pump)
  3. Pumping bra
  4. Pump bag – if you go back to work or need to pump in different locations
  5. Breastmilk cooler with ice pack – if you go back to work or need to pump in different locations
  6. Baby bottles + nipples
  7. Baby bottle detergent
  8. Bottle Sterilizer
  9. Bottle Warmer
  10. Breastmilk storage bags
  11. A mini refrigerator – a great option if your office allows it and you don’t have access to a refrigerator during work hours