Best Baby Registries Guide

Here’s a guide to the Best Baby Registries. These are the best places to register for a baby registry, but keep in mind that you don’t have to have just one registry.

Do you need a baby registry? Absolutely, even if you don’t have a baby shower, having a baby registry can still help you. First, a baby registry is an easy way of keeping track of all the things you need before your baby arrives. Second, creating a baby registry can give you perks, such as a free bag of baby goodies, coupons and a 15% registry coupon for those things left on your registry. That registry coupon can be used for a great discount on cribs, strollers, and other higher priced items.

Best Online Baby Registry: Amazon

Pros: Amazon Baby Registries include a Free Welcome Box that include free baby products. The catch: You have to be an Amazon Prime member and you or someone else needs to buy at least $10 from your baby registry. But it can be ANYTHING on your registry.

Cons: This is not a good registry for those of your friends or family members that don’t like the internet or are not internet savvy, i.e., some grandmas and grandpas. For those individuals, I would suggest an Amazon registry with a second in store registry.

What’s in the registry welcome box? My box came with a cute high quality swaddle blanket, Lysol baby wipes, Burt’s bees baby wash sample and a lot of trial size samples. Each box can come with different items as I know friends that have gotten different products and the items seem to be changed seasonally.

Is it worth it? YES – the products are worth more than the $10 and even if they weren’t you are always going to need wipes and diapers (which you can buy for $10) and Amazon is a great place for sales on baby products.

Start your Amazon Registry here

Best In-Store Baby Registry: Target

Pros: Free Welcome Box that includes lots baby products. The catch: You have to drive to a Target store and go to guest services to ask for the bag. This is REALLY easy to do and the employees are very nice and helpful. THIS IS the BEST welcome box for baby registries. You can create one online or in the store and add items by scanning them in store easily.

Cons: Nothing really except that prices are not always better or competitive with Amazon prices. Although 90% of the time they are selling at the same prices.

What’s in the registry welcome box? Mine came with a 5 oz Phillips Avent bottle, an 9 oz Dr. Brown bottle, a Nuk pacifier, a MAM pacifier, Baby dove body wash sample, Aveeno baby body wash sample, Aquaphor sample, 2 honest diapers and wipe packet, 2 babyganics diapers, Lansinoh sample with 2 breast pads, 2 breastmilk storage bags and a lot of high value coupons, including a $25 off the purchase of $50 of Honest Diapers, $5 off Babyganics diapers, free formula coupons, seventh generation detergent coupons ($5), a 50% off a Starbucks drink (valid in Target Starbucks) as well as pampers, huggies coupons etc.

Is it worth it? YES – It’s free and the products are VERY useful.

Start your Target Registry here

Best Specialty Store Registry: Buy Buy Baby

Pros: You get a free Welcome Box that includes a Baby on Board sign and small samples of baby body wash. It’s a boutique baby store that includes lesser available brands and products including post maternity items such as the Belly Bandit. For a list of recommended post maternity items click here.

Cons: Stores are not widely available.

What’s in the registry welcome box? Mine came with a Baby On Board sign, a chicco natural fit pacifier and 2 lansinoh sample bags each with 2 breast pads and 2 breastmilk storage bags,  2 samples for rice cereal and samples for baby body wash. The welcome bag is a bit bare bones but the sign is really cute and the store is very easy to navigate.

Is it worth it? Yes, registering is free and the store has 20% off coupons that are helpful if you’re buying an expensive product. This store is owed by Bed, Bath and Beyond, so their coupons can be used here too. 

Start your Buy Buy Baby Registry Here

Most Versatile Registry: BabyList

Pros: Registering with BabyList makes you eligible for a Free Welcome Box that includes many baby products. Additionally, you can create your registry online without much effort. This is a great baby registry for someone who likes online stores as it allows you to look for your products at different online stores. It’s unique because you aren’t limited to a store’s specific stock or brands.

Cons: The Welcome boxes are not always available so you may have to wait to request it.

What’s in the registry welcome box? My box came with a Kinde twist sample box, 3 cetaphil samples, Lanisoh samples, (2 breastmilk storage bags and 2 breast pads), and a pampers mini diaper bag (with 2 sample diapers inside).

Is it worth it? YES – Making a baby registry is very easy and free on Babylist.

Start your BabyList registry here